
Monday, 26 May 2014

Titanic Letter

On a link called letter generator I wrote a letter to Clive palmer. He is the creator of the Titanic 2. The Titanic II will be on its first trip in 2018. Hope you enjoy my letter that I wrote.

Hi clive palmer i am josh and i would like to give you  some tips. You can remeber to do a drill with the life boats and if the boat hits another ice berg you will know the drill.

and you can do a call out in the microphone if theres danger and you can put more look outs up on the ships and tell them what to look out for so the whole ship will be prepared.

So they know the drill so the drill should be run, get out, get on the life boats check if there all the people on the boat so they will all be safe for anything.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh, you make some very sensible suggestions here. I makes me wonder why the adults didn't think of these things themselves!

    Well done

    Mrs Burt


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