
Tuesday 13 December 2016

The Experiment Gone Wrong: The Phys co Scientist

Title : The Experiment Gone Wrong
The Psycho Scienctist
Kids, Jake & Logan, Scientist, Mr Rob
Scientist Discovery, Kids Find Out
Mr Rob The Scientist
They Put Mr Rob ( Mad Scientist ) Behind Bars

Title:  The Experiment Gone Wrong

One day in the year of 2016 in a middle school in america near the end of the year the was and orientation around the school which the parents would see if the school is good for their children. But as they walk past the parents children had saw a man in the science lab working on a discovery to make him famous in the scientific history but the antidote he was working on would lead him to another 2 years work of that discovery.

As the new year of 2017 had started the new entrance kids had started there classes of middle school but there were 2 brothers that had started in the same class there names where Logan & Jake they had started in math in the first block then P.E, Phys Ed, Writing, English Then at the end they started in science class where there was a teacher called Mr Rob who had been teaching since the 1990s.

As the kids walked in the room all they could smell was smoke and their teacher had been working on something that could change the world. With a quiet whisper Jake said to Logan “Wasn’t he that scientist that we saw at our orientation last year” Then Logan replied “Yeah” Then Mr Rob said “Ok Everyone please take your seats” As everyone took their seats Mr Rob's sight was really bad and as they had stood with remark his voice sounded better without the sound of the earth imploding from his big explosions . As they got into work they were working on an assignment for the teacher. When the kids go into work there where stuff in the room under the table too that could cause them to a sickness but the kids were touching them like non stop.

Without Mr Rob’s glasses, Mr Rob was colour blind he had no colour in his left eye but he could see with his right eye with really good sight. The next day the 2 brothers walked to school they had seen a hint of smoke coming from the schools chimney which smoke never goes through the last time smoke went through the old chimney was when the christmas party had started at the school then ended that night. Because of the science labs smoke had risen into the fire place then the smoke had risen and hit the water spouter and then the chimney had let smoke out and right after that the fire place started to light fire and then the old chimney had gone down in smoke.


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