On the weekend I went to my cousins game. There name is Tony & Kep and there team name is weaselly while we where there the field was crowed with people and the game was long it took 50 minutes and finally the game was over and my cousins team has won the game and that was there final game. the score was 57 - 25.
After that we went home from the game because my cousins and there little sister Gloria were coming over for dinner when my mum was going with here friend to watch the all blacks vs Australia. So when we knew they weren't coming over we went to there house.
Finally we where watching the game and while i was playing on my psp I was watching the game and it was really cool so i got boarded again and i started playing on the computer. i was playing rugby challenge 2 for 15 minutes it was really cool then we had to go home when the game finished by the time we got home it was 12 o'clock the we went to sleep and that was the end of my holiday hope you enjoy.
Your cousins team is Wesley College Josh, good try in spelling this though.