There was a builder called Archie and he liked first days. when he went to work he saw a kitten sitting on his lunch box and the kitten kept following Archie around the building site and then kitten jumped on Archies leg then when Archie went home then kitten was in the nails box then Archie took the kitten inside his house and the kitten went to sleep on Archies lap and when Archie woke up the kitten was gone then Archie was going to get his tool belt then when Archie was getting his tool belt he saw the kitten hiding in his tool belt.
when Archie was going to work he took the kitten then when he went to sleep after work he he could not sleep because he was thinking to call the spca then when he went to work he named the kitten nails.
You've done a great job to get this up onto your blog, all by yourself. Well done Josh!