
Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Information report

The life-cycle of a Monarch Butterfly

This is about the life cycle of a Monarch butterfly.  The life cycle starts as a tiny egg changes through different stages, turns inside out and becomes a butterfly.

The egg

The female butterfly attaches a tiny round  egg to a leaf on a swan plant. When the egg hatches and turns into a Caterpillar it will have lots to eat.. It has microscopic structures which look like ribs.

The Caterpillar

The Caterpillar or larva is a worm like interesting patterns. Like stripes and patches the Caterpillar has spike like hear

The chrysalis

The chrysalis is a black and orange and it has tissues that is its meat but the interesting part is that it turns into an adult.

Monarch butterfly

An Monarch butterfly has 2 black dots that let there Perfume so they can get mates and have babies so if they have babies they stick there eggs on leaves than does the same thing over and over as a life cycle

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